So a buddy of mine recently started ranting about how planes shouldn't work. And im still not sure if hes kidding or just trying to get me to rant about science. Either way, I love ranting about science and thought this would be another great questions to answer as simply as I could.

Our next image two images show the wing moving to the left, and a vacum is formed. This vacum is formed because we moved the wing closer to the particles on the left, but away from the particles on the right. Because of this, the space that the wing normally took up is empty, and the wing is started to bump into particles on the left.

Uh oh... the particles to the bottom left of the wing just got smushed. Now that they are all crammed together, underneath and infront of the wing has a higher air pressure, and because the wing moved again we have another vacuum behind/on top of it.

So this keeps happening (not in steps like this, but continuously so that the vacum builds up more and more the faster the wing goes, and more and more particles get crammed together on the bottom of the wing. This difference in air particle spacing is the difference in air pressure, and because lower air pressures like to suck things into them, and higher air pressures like to press against things, the two work together to push the wing up into the air.
Vacum cleaners work because they push air particles out of a chamber, which creates lower air pressure inside. Because there is a higher air pressure outside the chamber, those particles want to spread out and rush to get inside and fill the chamber.
Balloons are a great example of high air pressure. The more air you put into a balloon, the more it presses against the rubber walls. If you keep putting more and more inside, eventually it will pop. But if you let go of the hole you were blowing into, you will see the air pushes very fast to get out. (This is because there is a higher pressure inside compared to the air outside.
So all in all, airplane wings work because they create more air pressure underneath the wing, and less air pressure above the wing, and the faster they go, the bigger the difference is, and the bigger the difference is the stronger the wing will be lifted.
Here is a nifty video to show it in real life, and in slow motion :)
A coworker reminded me that you can easily put your hand out of a car window while moving and see this effect for yourself by slightly tipping your hand up and down. (Make sure nothing is close to the side of the road so that you keep all of your hands/fingers) :)
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